A penny for your thoughts


Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Excuse me ma'am, nice ass."

Yes, there are a lot of things going on right now. I got a job at Quik Trip and I have mixed feelings about it. I was told during training that since I specified that my availabilty is 6AM-3PM every day but Sunday and Wednesday, I would never have to work outside of those times. Well, I got placed at the store I'll work at all the time, and my store manager laughed at me when I told him what my availability was. I am very disapointed, because he told me I'll have to work AT LEAST one evening a week. That was something I specifically said I would not do when I have my interview. The guy that interviewed me said that would definitely not be a problem, "because no one wants to work mornings, so its perfect!" Apparently, not true, because now," All of our clerks prefer morning shifts and you're new, and I wouldn't want to make anyone mad..." I know I need to be more flexible, and that I am being idealistic. It'll be fine, I just want to express my frustration with my apparent misunderstanding....

I need to pay off my credit card bill, and I need to pay the remaining balance on my At The Beach contract so I don't have to pay 32.50 for 9 more months and continue to let them screw me out of money ever more money...

Saturday I am running in my second 5k - Runaway 5k 2009, benefiting Tulsa Youth Services. I am pretty stoked. Been training pretty steadily for it, and my times are getting faster. I feel so much better when I run a lot. I sleep better, I have more energy, I like myself more.

Yesterday I got a swimsuit for $10. That feels awesome.

Today at Quik Trip I was re-filling hot dog buns and a customer came up behind me and said, "Excuse me ma'am, nice ass."

Good times.

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