A penny for your thoughts


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Almost 4th of July!

This weekend I'm running in the Firecracker 5K! I'm pretty excited about that whole day. My favorite day of the year: 4th of July!

Also, I've been french braiding a lot. Its pretty fun. Mostly on the little girls I babysit on Wednesdays. They love it, and its good practice. Today I did 5 LC* braids (*LC = Lauren Conrad, from The Hills, braids that go from ear to ear like a headband). They were so cute. Also, I can do pretty much any kind on myself now too. Its pretty great.

Nathan and I are going to Big Splash Friday! I'm very excited. Its on the list. I've been wanting to go for so long. Should be fun.

I've been bringing my lunch to work so I don't eat all the nasty quiktrip food all the time. Its pretty gross after about....2 days. Haha. My body hated me after eating all that. So bringing my lunch is actually crucial to my health. I'm also trying to stay away from red meats for the time being. I've figured out that I feel better when I run when I'm not eating so much red meat. Probably good for me anyway.

I've got go to bed. 7:00 run in the morning!


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