A penny for your thoughts


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

These are the days of our lives

What a busy time. I've started this cupcake thing, and I love it, its just a lot of work. Also, I've started this half-marathon thing. I've put a lot of hard work into it - quitting isn't an option. Also, I have a full-time job, and an apartment to keep clean, and dishes to wash and clothes to fold. Oh yes, and I'm also married. Haven't seen my husband since Monday. This might not seem very long to most people, but it feels like forever to me. There are the times I have told him goodbye in the morning while he's still asleep, and the times he has told me goodnight when he comes home and I'm already in bed - but I don't really think that counts. Trying really hard to keep everything in perspective..."This isn't permanent, its just for a little while..." Not the easiest time in the world, but it'll be over soon.

I've been lacking motivation to run lately. That's kind of putting it nicely - I've actually been dreading my runs. So yesterday I took off for a 3.5 miler and decided not to take anything but my apartment key - no phone, no iPod, no running belt. I didn't actually have a purpose for doing this, I just felt bogged down and terrible about the run even before I had started. Well once I started running, I didn't miss my music, I didn't even really think about it much - I just started praying.

I prayed for all of the people in the apartment buildings I was running by. I prayed for kids on school buses, for the people in the cars that drove by. When I ran by a school I prayed for all the people that attend/work there. Anything I saw, I prayed for. What did I pray? I prayed that God would bring healing to broken families and anyone affected by them, that He would restore hope to people who have given up, that He would draw children to Himself at a young age so that they wouldn't have to go through the heartache that bad decisions bring to so many. I prayed for parents to be godly examples to their children by making God a priority, and having an authentic relationship with him that makes their lives different from other people. I prayed that young families would choose to put God first in their homes. I prayed most of all that he would reveal to the people of Owasso who do not know Him their need for a Savior.

I can't really explain it, but this was such a special time to me. God has laid on my heart to dedicate the time that I spend running to prayer for the people of Owasso and the people in my life. God revealed a lot to me through my running/prayer time yesterday - and I am so grateful because now I'm looking forward to my run today! How amazing God is, that He could help me to have motivation, and that He would reveal Himself to me in spite of myself.

"Everyone should be both conservative and radical. Conservative in preserving our faith, and radical in applying it." (Don't know who said it, I think it was from a sermon at church, but I love it!)

Have an awesome day.


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