A penny for your thoughts


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How far do I have to go to get to you....many the miles....

Sorry for being a slacker with this blogging thing... These days have been suuuuper busy. I'm running, AND making cupcakes like no one's business. Last night, for example, I ran the farthest I have ever run in my life (at one time) - 9 miles!!! I also made 3 dozen A+ apple cupcakes for office lady appreciation day at school. The run was exhilerating - I got rained AND hailed on. But I think if it were raining during the half marathon, I could probably do it...twice. I just adore running in the rain. The lightning and hail I could do without. But hey, no one ever said that this would be a painless process. It actually makes it just a little more meaningful - because it is not easy!

The cupcake-making/being on my feet for 3 hrs after the 9 mile run wasn't as much fun. I'm super happy with the cupcakes though. They're pretty presh. Here are some pictures of the ones I made last night (the apple ones) and some I made over the weekend....(the owl ones):

I'm having such a great time making cupcakes! I'm so excited that I get to do this for my summer job! I'm making graduation cupcakes for my sisters' graduation party this weekend, stay tuned.... 
We're about a month away from school being over here at St. Mary's. Nathan's last day of classes at TU was Monday. He's still got some finals to knock out, and I still have my patriotic assembly to pull off. Its gonna be pretty cute. These childern are just absolutely precious. I'll miss them over the summer...but not too much. : )


My baby sisters graduate - 16 days
Half Marathon - 24 days
Last day of school - 30 days
Colorado - 38 days
One year anniversary - 45 days

Fun times, people!


1 comment:

  1. My half was all in the pouring rain with hail too! It was crazy. I actually really relished the weather conditions; they made it cool out and it was fun to have an even better story about the race. I'm excited to hear how your race goes. Also- the cupcakes are so beautiful and tasty!
